Rosenserien product training
The training is provided by the sales managers around the country and is a requirement for selling Rosenserien products.The aim is to give a basic knowledge about the products and what Rosenserien stands for.
Product education comprises about 3 hours. As a new distributor it is also wise to buy the demobag with startup folder. The demo bag contains a product of each of Rosenserien range.
Content of Product education:
- Presentation of Rosenserien as a company and its philosophy
- The skin function and anatomy – breifly
- Organic vs syntetic ingredients
- Daily skin care and weekly treatment with Rosenserien – theory
- Our natural and organic marking
- Review of the website and start folder
- Product information and testing of the whole range
- Conditions to become a reseller
- Complaints handling and “satisfaction guarantee”
You can attend the program if you are curious to learn more about Rosenserien, because you decided to become a reselleror or if you all ready are a reseller and want a refresher.
Responsible for product training:
Mia Jonsson, Valdemarsvik, 070-267 79 37, info@rosenserien.com Distrikt: Hela Sverige
Margareta Lindgren, Norrtälje, 070-731 35 68, rosenserien@margl.se Area: Stockholm, Uppland
Anne Hargeson, Visby, 070-625 66 93, rosenserien@telia.com Area: Gotland, Värmland, Dalarna
Angelika Tjernström, Östersund, 063-10 21 20, info@tre60naturkosmetik.se Area: Jämtland and all of Sweden
Inga-lill Geust-Linder, Sundom, Finland, 00358-500 167 197, rosenserien@rosenserien.fi Area: Finland
Please contact the sales responibles to find out about next avaliable education occasion. You are also welcome to contact us with any questions or enquieries.
Many sales managers also offer other programs and courses.
Welcome to us!